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                       “ED-MathBookFC” — 2017/9/12 — 19:56 — page 195 — #201

                   Bibliografía                                                                                      ✐       ✐

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                    [8] Crawley M. J. The R book. Wiley, 2012.

                    [9] Devore J. Probability and statistics for the engineering and the sciences.
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                   [10] Escobar M. Análisis gráfico/exploratorio. La Muralla/Espérides, 1999.

                   [11] Godfrey M. G., Roebuck E. M., Sherlock A. J. Concise statistics. Ed-
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                   [12] Hogg R. V., Tanis E. A., Zimmerman D. Probability and statistical in-
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