Architectural Patterns for Parallel Programming

Parallel programming is characterised by a growing set of parallel architectures, paradigms and programming languages. This situation makes difficult to propose just one approach containing all the details to design and implement parallel software systems. The architectural patterns proposed here are proposed as an effort to help a programmer to decide a starting point when designing a parallel program. Thus, all the patterns contained here share similarities in their context and implementation.

Context in general

Start the design a software program for a parallel system, using a certain programming language for certain parallel hardware. Consider the following context assumptions:

In general, the existence of an available parallel platform and a programming language are considered as a basic context condition when starting the design and implementation of a parallel program. They are determinant of the performance that can be achieved, and also influence the design of software. Once fixed, the decision to use one architectural organisation or another relays mainly on the characteristics of the problem. This work focuses more precisely on these characteristics. Each pattern represents a form to identify how operations can be performed in parallel and/or how data can be operated simultaneously.

Implementation in general

Also, as an effect of the context, the implementation of all these patterns share the same steps, intended to describe an architectural exploratory approach to design, in which hardware-independent features are early considered, and hardware-specific issues are delayed in the implementation process. This method structures the implementation process of parallel software based on four stages [Fos94, CSG97]:

The approach presented here is intended to deal with the implementation issues from an architectural point of view. During the first two stages, attention is focused on concurrency and scalability characteristics. In the last two stages, attention is aimed to shift locality and other performance-related issues. Nevertheless, it is preferred to present each stage as general considerations for designing each pattern, instead of provide details about precise implementation of participants. These implementation details are pointed more precisely in the form of references to design patterns for concurrent, parallel and distributed systems of several other authors [Sch95, Sch98a, Sch98b].

Further reference about features of parallel hardware platforms and parallel languages can be found in [CSG97, Fos94, Para98, Perr92, Pfis95, Phil95, ST96]. Also, good advice and guidelines about platform and language selection for performance, related with speed-up and scalability, can be found in [Pan96, PB90].

Contact Information

Jorge Luis Ortega Arjona.
