The Shared Resource Pattern

An Activity Parallelism Architectural Pattern for Parallel Programming

Jorge L. Ortega-Arjona

Departamento de Matemáticas, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM

México, D.F. 01000, México


The Shared Resource pattern is an architectural pattern for parallel programming used when a design problem can be understood in terms of activity parallelism. This pattern proposes a solution in which different operations are performed simultaneously by sharers on different pieces of data contained in a shared resource. Operations carried out by each sharer are independent of operations by other sharers.

1. Introduction

Parallel processing is the division of a problem, presented as a data structure or a set of actions, among multiple processing components that operate simultaneously. The expected result is a more efficient completion of the solution to the problem. The main advantage of parallel processing is its ability to handle tasks of a scale that would be unrealistic or not cost-effective for other systems [CG88, Fos94, ST96, Pan96]. The power of parallelism centres on partitioning a big problem in order to deal with complexity. Partitioning is necessary to divide such a big problem into smaller sub-problems that are more easily understood, and may be worked on separately, on a more “comfortable” level. Partitioning is especially important for parallel processing, because it enables software components to be not only created separately but also executed simultaneously.

Requirements of order of data and operations dictate the way in which a parallel computation has to be performed, and therefore, impact on the software design [OR98]. Depending on how the order of data and operations are present in the problem description, it is possible to consider that most parallel applications fall into one of three forms of parallelism: functional parallelism, domain parallelism, and activity parallelism [OR98].

2. The Shared Resource Pattern

The Shared Resource pattern is a specialization of the Blackboard pattern [POSA96], lacking a control component and introducing aspects of activity parallelism. In the Shared Resource pattern, computations could be performed without a prescribed order on ordered data. Commonly, components perform different computations on different data pieces simultaneously [OR98].

Activity parallelism is the form of parallelism that involves problems that apply independent computations (as sets of non-deterministic transformations and perhaps repeatedly) on values of a data structure. Activity parallelism can be considered between the extremes of allowing all data to be absorbed by the components (as in domain parallelism) or all processes to be divided into components (as in functional parallelism) [CG88, OR98, Pan96]. Many components share access to pieces of a data structure. As each component performs independent computations, communication between processing components is often not required. However, the amount of communication is not zero: communication is still required between each processing component and a component that controls the access to the data structure [OR98].

Example: A Token Space

Consider the case of a token space [Gray99]. In its simplest form, a token space is merely a passive storage structure for tokens, placed there by active processes named clients. A token may be a specialised data structure, a list, a data tuple, or any data type defined via inheritance from some base token class. Particularly, in this example a token is considered as a data tuple whose first element is a typed field and whose other elements are name-value pairs, each one referred as a token item. Moreover, a token may have one or more token items that contain identification information. The objective is that one or more token items will contain data that are being transferred between parallel clients.

The token space supports two operations: “put” and “request” [Gray99]. A “put” operation places a token in the token space, and it is capable of blocking for flow-control. If a “put” operation cannot be blocked, every data source has the potential to saturate the token space. A “request” operation can only succeed if its tokens are matched. The matching of a token from a request requires matching of each of the token items that it includes. If a request does not match, it is blocked. Requests from different processes are handled by separate threads, operating on the token space. The blocking of any one request does not affect request or put operations from other processes. A simple token space with such characteristics is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Overview of a simple token space.

Notice that the token space problem is more likely to be considered as an example for concurrent programming (where processes execute simulating concurrency on a single processor) rather than for parallel programming (in which processes execute simultaneously on a group of processors). However, it is simple to explain, and it could be an example of activity parallelism, if the clients would execute in parallel.

Considering the token space as a parallel computation, it should be divided and distributed among a set of processors. Clients send messages to a server running the token space. The server receives messages from the clients, organises and maintains the token space keeping its order and integrity, and sends its contents back to the clients.


Start the design of a software program for performing a parallel computation, using a particular programming language for a certain parallel hardware. Such a computation involves tasks of a scale that would be unrealistic or not cost-effective for single processor systems to handle. The hardware platform or machine to be used is given, offering a reasonably good fit to the parallelism found in the computation. The main objective is to execute the tasks in the most time-efficient way.


It is necessary to apply a computation on elements of a centralised data structure. Such a computation is carried out by several sequential processes executing simultaneously. The data structure is concurrently shared among the processes. The details of how the data structure is constructed and maintained are irrelevant to the processes. The integrity of the internal representation, considered as the consistency and preservation of the data structure, is important. However, the order of operations on the data is not a central issue. Generally, performance as execution time is the feature of interest.


Considering the problem description and granularity and load balance as other elements of parallel design [Fos94, CT92] the following forces should be considered:


Introduce parallelism as multiple participating sequential components. Each component executes simultaneously, capable of performing different and independent operations. It also accesses the data structure when needed via a shared resource component, which maintains the integrity of the data structure by defining the synchronising operations that the sequential components can do. Parallelism is almost complete among components: any component can be performing different operations on a different piece of data at the same time, without a prescribed order. Communication can be achieved only as function calls to require data from the shared resource. Components communicate exclusively through the shared resource, by each one indicating its interest in a certain data. The shared resource should provide such data immediately if no other component is accessing it. Data consistency and preservation are tasks of the shared resource. The integrity of the internal representation of data is important, but the order of operations on it is not a central issue. The main restriction is that no piece of data is accessed at the same time by different components. The goal is to make sure that an operation carried out by one sharer component goes on without interference from other sharer components. The Shared Resource pattern is an activity parallel variation of the Blackboard pattern [POSA96] without a control instance that triggers the execution of sources (the concurrent components of the Blackboard pattern). An important feature is that the execution does not follow a precise order of computations [Shaw95, Pan96].

For instance, consider the Token Space example. The whole process is based on allowing clients to simultaneously operate, putting or requesting tokens to the token space when needed. Parallelism results from the fact that client processes that have satisfied all their needs for data can then continue concurrently. The processes synchronise activities as necessary by waiting for others to place tokens in the token space. The integrity of the internal representation of the tokens and the token items is important for obtaining a final result after the computation is carried out, but the order of operations on the tokens or token items is not pre-determined.


In this architectural pattern, the different operations are applied in effect simultaneously to different pieces of data by sharer components. Operations in each sharer component are independent of operations in other components. The structure of the solution involves a shared resource that controls the access of different sharer components to the central data structure. Usually, the shared resource component and several different sharer components simultaneously exist and operate during execution time. Therefore, the solution is presented as a centralised network, with the shared resource as the central common component. An Object Diagram, representing the network of elements that follows the shared resource structure, is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Object Diagram of the Shared Resource pattern.



A typical scenario to describe the basic run-time behaviour of this pattern is described, where all participants (shared resource and sharer components) are active at the same time. This scenario is based on the Token Space example. As it is shown later in the Implementation section, the example program includes data generation, sorting of subsets of the data, merging of sorted subsets of data , and a final reporting element that uses the sorted data. The classes Source, Sorter, Merger, and Reporter respectively provide each one of these functionalities. However, by now the scenario presented here only considers an instance of each of these classes. A more detailed description of how they really interact to perform a merge-sort computation is presented in the Example Resolved section.

Notice that an instance of the Source, Sorter, Merger, and Reporter classes behaves as a sharer, performing different operations, and requiring the Token Space (as shared resource) for data tokens. If a data token is not available, the sharer can request another data token. As soon as a data token is made available from the Token Space, the requesting sharer continues its computations. Communications between sharers are normally not allowed. The Token Space is the only common component among the sharers. The processing and communicating scenario is as follows (Figure 3):

Figure 3. An Interaction Diagram of the Token Space example.


An architectural exploratory approach to design is described below, in which hardware-independent features are considered early, and hardware-specific issues are delayed in the implementation process [Fos94]. This method structures the implementation process of parallel software based on four stages [OR98]. During the first two stages, attention is focused on concurrency and scalability characteristics. In the last two stages, attention is aimed to shift locality and other performance-related issues. Nevertheless, it is preferred to present each stage as general considerations for design instead of providing details about precise implementation. These implementation details are pointed more precisely in the form of references to design patterns for concurrent, parallel, and distributed systems of several other authors [Sch95, Sch98a, Sch98b, POSA00].

  1. Partitioning. The computation to be performed can be viewed as the effect of different independent computations on the data structure. Each sharer component is defined to perform an independent computation on data from the shared resource. Sharer components can be executed simultaneously due to their independent processing nature. However, the shared resource implementation should reflect a division and integrity criteria of the data structure, following the basic assumption that no piece of data is operated at the same time by two or more different sharer components. Therefore, sharer components may be implemented by a single entity (for instance, a process, a task, and object, etc.) that performs a defined computation, or a sub-system of entities. Design patterns in general [GHJV95, POSA96, PLoP94, PLoP95] may help with the implementation of the sharer components as sub-system entities. Also, patterns used in concurrent programming like the Object group pattern [Maf96], the Active Object pattern [LS95, POSA00], and Categorize Objects for Concurrency pattern [AEM95] can help to define and implement sharer components.

  2. Communication. The communication to co-ordinate the interaction of sharer components and shared resource is represented by an appropriate communication interface that allows access to the shared resource. This interface should reflect the form in which requests are issued to the shared resource, and the format and size of the data as argument or return value. In general, an asynchronous coordination schema is used, due to the heterogeneous behaviour of sharer components whose requests can be deferred or ignored by the shared resource. The implementation of a flexible interface between sharer components and shared resource can be done using design patterns for communication, like the Service Configurator pattern [JS96], the Composite Messages pattern [SC95], and the Compatible Heterogeneous Agents and Communication between Agents patterns [ABM96]. Other design patterns, like the Double-Checked Locking pattern [SH96, POSA00], the Thread-Specific Storage pattern [HS97, POSA00] and patterns presented dealing with issues about safe use of threads, synchronisation and locks [McKe95, POSA00], can provide help to implement the expected behaviour of the shared resource component.

  3. Agglomeration. The components and communication structures defined in the first two stages of a design are evaluated and compared with the performance requirements. If necessary, operations can be recombined and reassigned to create different sets of sharer components with different granularity and load-balance. Usually, due to the independent nature of the sharer components, it is difficult to achieve good performance initially, but at the same time, it is easy to make changes on the sharer components without affecting the whole structure. A conjecture-test approach can be used intensively, modifying both granularity and load-balance among sharer components to observe which combination can be used to improve performance. However, special care should be taken with the load-balance between sharer components and a shared resource. The operations of the shared resource should be lighter then any sharer computation, to allow a fast response of the shared resource to requests. Most of the computation activity is meant to be performed by the sharer components.

  4. Mapping. In the best case, trying to maximize processor utilization and minimize communication costs, each component should be assigned to a different processor. As the number of components is usually expected to be not too large, enough parallel processors can be commonly available. Also, the independent nature of sharers allows for each sharer component to be executed on a different processor. The shared resource also is expected to be executed on a single processor, and all sharers should have communication access to it. However, if the number of processors is limited and less than the number of components, it tends to be difficult and complex to load-balance the whole structure. To solve this, mapping can be determined at run-time by load-balancing algorithms. As a "rule of thumb", systems based on the Shared Resource pattern are very difficult to implement for a SIMD (single-instruction, multiple-data) computer. However, when executed on a MIMD (multiple-instruction, multiple-data) computer, systems based on the Shared Resource pattern tend to have an acceptable performance [Pan96, Pfis95].

Example Resolved

A version of the token space that incorporates mechanisms for process creation has been implemented as a Java class, named class TokenSpace [Gray99, CN01]. In particular, this version uses threads rather than parallel processes. In the time when this class was developed, in most standard Java runtime systems, the thread packages were unable to use multiple processors, so the token space system of this example is simply a demonstration in which concurrency is simulated. Furthermore, in such a threaded example there is a further simplification: there is no need for a thread in the shared resource itself; the put() and request() functions are executed by the threads that simulate the quasi-parallel processes [Gray99].

In this example, an instance of the class Token contains a name string and a collection of token items. Client processes use instances of a class Request to retrieve required tokens. A Request instance contains vectors specifying the required tokens, and their dispositions. Also, a Request instance may specify a “termination token”. After a failed attempt to match a request for tokens, the matching checks for any specified termination token. Such a token is normally left in the TokenSpace. Its presence may affect the operation of many other processes, allowing a process (like, for instance, a data source) to mark the end of data with a token.

A simple parallel sorting program is used to test the TokenSpace implementation, which controls the instantiation of processes (more likely, threads) and sequences the phases of a computation. The program includes data generation (a single instance of a class Source), sorting of subsets of the data (one or more instances of a class Sorter), merging of sorted subsets of data (one or more instances of a class Merger), and a final reporting element that uses the sorted data (an instance of a class Reporter). Notice that the computation is comparable to a pipeline processing. Nevertheless, it is considered that decomposing a sorting task into several smaller sorting and merging tasks will have a large enhancement for a an O(N2) sort, and a slight enhancement for a more realistic O(NlogN) sort [Gray99]. Distributing subtasks does add to the computational cost, but if multiprocessors are available, many of the separate sort and merge steps can proceed in parallel, resulting in a shorter elapsed time which is the main interest here, as it is mentioned in the context.


Partitioning refers to defining the computations to be performed on the data contained in the shared resource. In the TokenSpace example, a typical client (as a thread) has a run() function that may initially submit a number of requests for special initialization tokens. Then, it loops processing further data tokens until some termination condition is met. The run() function must end with a call to the TokenSpace, notifying the termination of this thread. This allows the record of threads to be maintained correctly. The data identifying a class include information on any token that should be added to the TokenSpace when the last instance of a client class is removed. Such tokens can mark the completion of particular phases in a computation and can also trigger the instantiation of objects that will perform a subsequent phase. As it is mentioned above, the parallel sorting example considers four types of clients: a class Source for data generation, a class Sorter for sorting subsets of the data, a class Merger for merging sorted subsets of data, and a class Reporter as a reporting element.


The communication is represented by a communication interface that allows access to the shared resource. In the TokenSpace implementation in Java, the access to the token space is based on the modifier synchronized. When applied to a method, this modifier causes that such a method only can be invoked when there is no lock held on the TokenSpace. If TokenSpace is locked, the client is temporary halted till the TokenSpace is unlocked. So, TokenSpace is locked by the invocation of a synchronized method, and unlocked when the method is exited. Additionally, in this implementation, the placement of a token in the TokenSpace triggers a check against a table of data that relates token names to the Java classes that may need to be instantiated.

Agglomeration and Mapping

The main process starts and initiates processing. After creating the TokenSpace object, it declares data structures that must be instantiated to handle them. In the present example, the class Source handles a StartToken (only a single instance of this class can be created), the class Sorter handles sort tokens (there can be as many instances of this class as seem useful), the class Merger handles merge tokens (again, there can be more than one instance of this class), and the class Reporter responds to the token marking the end of the merging process. Also, an endData token should be considered, so it marks the end of data processing in the TokenSpace. Figure 4 shows a test program for the token space example [Gray99].

public class Test{

public static void main (String[] args) {

TokenSpace tSpace = new TokenSpace();

TokenHandlerIdentifier thi = new






TokenHandlerIdentifier.SINGLETON_HANDLER );


thi = new TokenHandlerIdentifier(







thi = new TokenHandlerIdentifier(







thi = new TokenHandlerIdentifier(







Token t = new Token();

t.fTokenName = “StartToken”;

t.fItems = null;




Figure 4. Class Test for testing the TokenSpace Example.

A more detailed operation of this program is described as follows:

  1. The action of placing a StartToken in the TokenSpace triggers the creation of a Source object with associated thread (or Source process). The main thread can now terminate leaving the TokenSpace object in existence with running Source objects.

  2. Each Source takes a very large array of randomly ordered doubles, and partitions it into subarrays; each subarray forms the token_item of a separate sort token placed into the TokenSpace. Flow control limits each Source from leaving more than ten unprocessed sort tokens in the TokenSpace. Each put() action on the TokenSpace results in a re-evaluation of the state of known processes against the data provided in the TokenHandlerIdentifiers. The first appearance of a sort token in the TokenSpace triggers the creation of a Sorter; as this class is marked as a VAR_LOAD_HANDLER (“variable load handler”), further instances of the class Sorter may get created in response to subsequent put(sort) actions.

  3. The function builds a Request object that specifies the need for a sort token (this requires no identification or other token_items), or the alternative of an endData termination token. This request is repeatedly reissued from a loop; if a sort token is returned, its subarray is sorted and placed back in the TokenSpace as a merge token. The loop ends if this termination token is matched.

  4. The placement of a merge token triggers the creation of a Merger. The function is similar to that of the Sorter, save that its Request object involves two merge tokens, or an endSort termination token. The Merger combines the data in the two merge tokens that it removes from the TokenSpace, and puts back another merge token containing an array with their combined data.

  5. A Reporter object is created when an endMerge token appears in the TokenSpace. It removes the last remaining merge token from the TokenSpace. This token contains all elements of the original array (partitioned by the Source) and outputs the sorted array or performs any other processing required.

Testing this program on an uniprocesor computer (for a particular size of the data set) employed one or two Sorters and a Merger as “parallel” (concurrent) objects. In general, measured computation times were just a little longer than using a simple quicksort of the entire data set. These increased times reflect the cost of the more elaborated data ordering (the creation of the various dynamically allocated tokens and subarrays) and the overheads of switching amongst threads.

Known uses




Related patterns

The Shared Resource pattern is considered a specialization of the Blackboard pattern [POSA96] without control component, and introducing aspects of activity parallelism. Also, it is related to the Repository architectural style [Shaw95, SG96]. Other patterns that can be considered related to this pattern are the Compatible Heterogeneous Agents pattern [ABM96] and the Object Group pattern [Maf96].

3. Summary

The goal of the present paper is to provide software designers and engineers with an overview of a common structure used for activity parallel software systems. The architectural pattern described here can be linked with other current pattern developments for concurrent, parallel and distributed systems. Work on patterns that support the design and implementation of such systems has been addressed previously by several authors [Sch95, Sch98a, Sch98b, POSA00].

4. Acknowledgements

I wish to express my acknowledgements and gratitude to Berna Massingill, who shepherded this paper always providing insights and comments for its improvement. Also, I would like to thank Ralph Jonhnson, for his accurate comments during the shepherding of this paper.

5. References

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Copyright 2003 Jorge Luis Ortega-Arjona. Permission is granted to copy for the PLoP 2003 conference. All other rights reserved.