version 1.00 8 August 1996 version 1.01 22 August 1996 -- split into packages version 1.02 9 May 1997 -- JDK 1.1 mods version 1.03 20 June 1997 -- removed last deprecation This Java program implements a simple genetic algorithm where the fitness function takes non-negative values only. generate random initial population for each generation select a new population apply crossover and mutation until the maximum number of generations is exceeded or if known the best fitness is attained Make sure the most fit member survives to the next generation (elitism). This Java code was derived from the C code in the Appendix of "Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs," by Zbigniew Michalewicz, Second Extended Edition, New York: Springer-Verlag (1994). Other ideas and code were drawn from GAC by Bill Spears (12 June 1991). Available by anonymous ftp from in file GAC.shar.Z in directory /pub/galist/src. Four sample problems are contained in the code: three with bit genes and one with double genes. BitCountChromosome: maximize the set bits in a bit string XtoTenthChromosome: maximize x**10 over the interval 0.0 to 1.0 where the value of x is encoded in some number of bits representing an unsigned integer normalized to be between 0 and 1. SinesChromosome: maximize 21.5+x1*sin(4*PI*x1)+x2*sin(20*PI*x2)+x3 for x1 in [-3.0,12.1], x2 in [4.1,5.8], and x3 in [0.0, 1.0] ByteCountChromosome: maximize the number of bytes that are all one bits in an eight byte word To use this program, modify the class MyChromosome to include your problem, which you have coded in some class, say YourChromosome. All changes to the file to run your problem are confined to your class YourChromosome. This is what object-oriented programming is all about! final class MyChromosome extends // Put your Chromosome class name here (comment out the others): // BitCountChromosome // XtoTenthChromosome // SinesChromosome // ByteCountChromosome YourChromosome } Then compile the source code. % javac % java sGA -U Usage: -d -p populationSize -x numXoverPoints -E -c crossoverRate -m mutationRate -P printPerGens -G maxGenerations -F logFileName where -d if present, turns on some debugging output -p population size (integer) -x number of crossover points (0 for uniform) -E if present, turns on elitism -c Pc, crossover probability -m Pm, mutation probability -P print a summary every this many generations -G maximum number of generations to run -F name of output file ti use instead of stdout The source code file has a big comment at the end containing some sample runs. (C) 1996 Stephen J. Hartley. All rights reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for non-commercial uses is hereby granted provided this notice is kept intact within the source file. Drexel University, Math and Computer Science Department Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA telephone: +1-215-895-2678